Since December we have made a conscience effort to slow life down. Which for us means we choose to sacrifice the "good things" for the "best" things. (By the way-- disclaimer: still working on this = not perfect yet)
On Tuesday we came across an opportunity. One that neither of us were looking for and quite frankly in a realistic mindset there would be no way we would move toward it. However, we took some time to sit together and pray. We asked God what steps we should take (I fully expected to be led in the "that's great,but not now" way. God had other plans.). Hours later we both came to the same conclusion.
The opportunity was with New Horizons for Children, hosting an orphan from Asia for 4 weeks this summer. Here was the thing, we had less than 48hrs before matching closed. But instead of saying no right away decided to ask The Lord what he would have for us in this. Darrell told me he felt like we should move forward, which was exactly how I was feeling led. Each step we took between Tuesday evening and Wednesday only further confirmed to us that we were to do this.
This was not something we knew was in our budget, nor did it really make sense in our minds to do it NOW.. Of all times, come on, does God know we are still grieving here?
I am so happy that we chose to lay our limited minds down and take up this journey in faith.
Within a few days God has provided close to half of our need financially and blessed us with the opportunity to share it with others.
We are praying that God will help us to show his love to the little guy. He is 5 and coming from china. Please pray for us as our family steps into a new chapter. We are planning to blog updates in this journey as we still continue to choose joy daily.
Here is a video that helps you see what God has called us to this Summer, along with our you caring page if you so feel led to participate with us in prayer or financially.
"For I know the plans I have for you says The Lord, plans to prosper you, not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. " Jeremiah 29:11
Updates since drafting this post: A week from saying yes and God has provided in amazing ways! Our first financial deadline is May 1st, we moved forward in faith and God is moving our faith in so many ways! It has been an amazing week, God has provided not only what we need for our first payment for his plane ticket, but also has provided almost the entire amount. ($700 away!).
We are beyond grateful. Our daughters have seen Gods hand provide this opportunity and provide as our family has stepped in faith.
Thank you to all of you who have given of your prayers, time, and money to see us fulfill Gods purpose for our summer.
We love you all,
The Roeskes