When faced with situations where the outcome is uncertain, unpredictable and out of our control, what is our response?
For weeks I have mulled over what to write, what to say to the hundreds of people I know are following our journey. Do I write about Anger, Fear or just complain about life and how tired I am? Until this morning I have had the clarity of a fog cloud. Not just about how to proceed with a blog post, but how to proceed with life in general.
I have been reading a book by Angie Smith called Mended - pieces of life made whole. This morning the chapter I read really hit me. I was reminded of Moses and his infant story. At this time in history the nation of Israel lived as slaves in Egypt. They had been living under a law that all Hebrew male infants were to be taken and killed. Moses mother had kept in hiding and realized that she couldn't hide him much longer. She had to give up her precious time with him, she had to give up her control of him and the situation. I sit and imagine his mother weaving this water reed basket, tears streaming down her face, heart aching, begging God in some way to spare the life of her child. Weaving, unsure and afraid that this crafted, beautiful basket could be where her son would face a tragic end. A question comes to mind when sitting, thinking, and putting myself in her world. I am struck with may questions, but the one that stands out the most to me is this, "why would she choose to put him in an alligator infested Nile river, rather than allow him to be taken by the soldiers?" Wouldn't both be certain death? Didn't each have the same end result?
Sometimes I love reading a story where the unknown is left for you to figure out or rather come to your own thought of what the 'happily ever after' is. I admire Moses' mother. I feel her pain as I read this story. I vividly see her pleading for answers, answers to her "why?" As I sit and just let my mind fall into the story, I am confronted with some very challenging thoughts. This women put her complete trust in God, his power and his plan. Even if that meant she wouldn't get her way. Can you imagine the day that basket was finished? The day her faith was tested int the greatest way. Moses' mother was not just placing her child in the basket, she was giving his end, his future, her hopes, dreams concerns and control completely over to God.
What is it right now that you have zero control over and are still holding on to? It may be anger, discontentment, fear. It could be frustrations with work, ministry or health. It could be a friend or family member struggling with sickness or perhaps even death. It may be infertility, baby loss or even the fear of losing a child. Together this morning let us place whatever our concerns our burdens and our aching hearts into the basket. Let us walk together to the river, cast it out from shore, pushing with whatever strength we have left. Pushing the basket into the hands of the God who loves you and cares so deeply for your hurts and heartache.
Put it all into the basket.