Monday, November 4, 2013

Our month of Miracles - Week 18-22

               Our month of Miracles
         Week 18-22

I just don't even know where to begin. I have been blown away by the amount of prayers. love and thoughts that have been sent our way. I am so very grateful for each and every one of them. 
Week 18-19 proved to be a rough for us.We were told that Lliam's fluid had increased - actually doubled in a week. If it continued at this rate, we wouldn't be carrying him much longer. I was numb. I knew we then needed to make all of his condition known to friends, and family and our church family. 

Week 20
Ultrasounds have become a normal thing at Dr. visits.  At this ultrasound we were told by the tech that the fluid had appeared to be as it was 3 weeks prior. Meaning the doubled fluid and the extra fluid in his chest was no longer present. However, they were detecting a heart arrhythmia, which was not a distressing thing, just an adding concern.
Week 21
I had been pretty much laying down all week. 20 min to 1 hour up trying to clean, do some laundry, keep up with my 3 yr old (which if you knew her,  you would know she moves around like the Tasmanian devil) then needing to lay down for 2 hours. This is our daily rhythm. For about 2 weeks on and off I have dealt with braxton hicks and have been told to lay down and make sure they stop. (OK easier said than done, right?!)
This brings us to yesterday,
 21 weeks 5 days.
After taking Isabella (our 7 yr old) to school, I started having pretty painful contractions. I decided to call the doctor, ended up back in an ultrasound room with the uncertainty of the day looming in the air. It was a new tech this time. She had been running behind all day. I was a "work-in" so I figured it would be an in and out kind of thing. She asked what I was sent up for. I gave her all of the facts, she proceeded to do the ultrasound. Instantly, she found the baby, and I could see the heart beating (I am getting really good at looking for that BTW).  Then I noticed a lot of measuring taking place. She proceeded to take the time to give me the most detailed ultrasound I have had to date. Measuring fluids, head, she even measured growth for me! He is still growing according to chart and had a very strong heartbeat. She checked for the arrhythmia that was seen last time, and didn't find it!  
I left the ultrasound room with a full disk of pictures, printed pictures, 3d images of his face, and an overwhelmed heart of gratitude for this lady. She didn't have to take the time to go to such detail, but she did.  I just kept thanking her for the gift she was giving me, the gift of seeing my little boy. His hands, his feet, his cute little profile. He looks like our girls. All of their ultrasound profiles look identical. These are things that I didn't think that I would ever get to know about him. My heart is overflowing with gratitude. Gratitude for this day, for a tech that took time to care, for a God of miracles showing me yet again His Love for me and for my son.


  1. You made me cry! Keeping you and baby Lliam in prayer.

  2. Praying for you, sweet Lliam, and your whole family.


We will be blessed by your words, prayers & love. Thank you for visiting!