Saturday, December 21, 2013

Peace and thankfulness

    "  And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful." (Col.3:15)

      Little did I know as I was preparing to type the blog post yesterday that it would truly be so applicable to my day. I don't know why I am surprised when God shows himself so faithful in what I consider little preparations.
       Yesterday after typing our post we had a doctors appointment. Our specialist office was running behind so we were fit in for Lliams Echo. As they were scanning the said the heart rate was good, but lower than what it had been. As the morning progressed we learned that what we were seeing was his still birth in progress. I was watching my son enter into perfect peace, into the presence of the God who created him and chose me to carry him. Silently I said my goodbyes, tried to relax and praise Jesus for his love and peace. Such a presence of peace and joy filled my soul. My son is beautiful, perfect, whole. Walking and getting to know the Jesus that we talked about daily. No more fluid, pain, struggle. He is experiencing the song his sisters sang to him," Jesus loves me this I know!"

   Thank you all for your love,prayers and thoughts. You all mean so much to us! If we dot know you and you have prayed for us, thank you.

 This morning as I was getting ready to go to the hospital for our induction the verse that I opened with came to mind.
     "Let the peace of God rule in your heart" over and over this played in my mind. Meditating praising saying this verse back to God. Begging him to rule our hearts with peace today.
   "To which also we are called" I am called by God to have this peace. It is readily available to me!
"And be thankful" or with thankfulness - you may shake your head and think I have to be crazy, but I am thankful. Thankful that God chose me to carry Lliam. Thankful that God gave me this opportunity to draw ever so close to him. Thankful that he also shares in my sorrow, my broken heart, my hurt as disappointment.

 Today as you think of us and pray for us, pray that our God will shine through. His amazing peace to radiate through our very countenance. Our prayer for you today is that you will want to draw closer to our Jesus, draw to him. Be of one body, thankful, letting his peace rule your hearts.

We love you,
Darrell and Michelle


  1. Love and Hugs <3
    Thru your story you have been a light to others. Thank You and one day you will be reunited with Liam and until that day GOD has him.

  2. Sending you love and strength as you meet your baby boy.

  3. Hugs Michelle and Darrell praying for you all

  4. I'm bawling as I read your blog...You are a strong momma! My son was born sleeping and walks with angels and god.


We will be blessed by your words, prayers & love. Thank you for visiting!